A new, improved IoTool Device Actions Extension on Google Play

A new, improved IoTool Device Actions Extension on Google Play

Supported actions:

Call, Send text message, Delay, Start selected app, Toggle wireless connection, Set the wireless connection, Connect to Wi-Fi automatically, Connect to Wi-Fi access point, Disconnect from Wi-Fi access point, Toggle Bluetooth connection, Set the Bluetooth connection, Set reading color, Send email, Open URL in browser, Pair Bluetooth device, Unpair Bluetooth device, Show notification, Beep, Play audio file, Play video file.

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IoTool Sensors - Arduino analog and digital inputs supported

IoTool Sensors - Arduino analog and digital inputs supported

IoTool new extension for Arduino (#Arduino) is now available.

Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board.


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XDK Bosch sensor for IoTool

XDK Bosch sensor for IoTool

We got our Bosch XDK ( #myXDKexperience,  #BoschXDK) yesterday. Today an XDK service is in early beta. Tomorrow XDK functionalities will be fully supported. Yes, we need a day to add an additional device to IoTool.


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A new version of Arduino Sketch (hex) Uploader available!

A new version of Arduino Sketch (hex) Uploader available!

A new version of Arduino Sketch (hex) Uploader available! A simple program allows to upload compiled sketches (Intel Hex) to Arduino using only Android phone and Bluetooth or USV connection

What's new:

  • USB support
  • board selector

Use cases:

  • You have more Arduino boards installed and need to quickly change a sketch (no USB cable needed)
  • Someone have just sent to you a compliled sketch - you simply "Share" it to IoTool Arduino Hex Uploader
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A new IoTool BT Arduino Hex Uploader available

A new IoTool BT Arduino Hex Uploader available

IoTool team have just published a new tool for Android / Arduiono developers. A simple program allows to upload compiled sketches (Intel Hex) to Arduino using only Android Bluetooth.

Use cases:

  • You have more Arduino boards installed and need to quickly change a sketch (no USB cable needed)
  • Someone have just sent to you a compliled sketch - you simply "Share" it to IoTool Arduino Hex Uploader


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