How Internet of Things drives Digital Transformation?

We are expecting the 6th edition of the Internet of Things event »Living bits and things 2016" which will be held in Bled.

Last year we heard and discussed about delivering the value of the IoT to the market. Focus was on Smart Healthcare and Wellbeing, Smart cities and Industrial applications. Traditionally the event gives attendees insights and understanding of the central and east Europe (CEE) region and opportunity to share and discuss the challenges with professionals and experts.

Security and privacy are today considered as the issues which need special attention and together with the interoperability and standradization are top listed reasons why IoT is not adopted and implemented more widely today.  
With fresh ideas and complementary topics, we are going to establish traditionally well accepted creative environment for professionals from different industries and businesses, who will meet colleagues from the best applied research institutes, proactive authority bodies and organizations, cities and communities and dynamic, technology driven, talented startups.

Addressing topics of the Smart specialization strategy 
In 2015 in many regions in Europe most of the activities are focused to implement the smart specialization strategies and many of these strategies are taking advantage of the ICT industry and in the recent years also of the IoT.

Hot topics addressed @ the event in 2016
Learn why first movers and tech leaders in different industries have already adopted the IoT, what are the impacts and ROI and what has IoT to offer in next years. 

LBT 2016 Overview 2

Download Living bits and things 2016 Event Brief

In 2015 the combined events the 5th LBT 2015 and 28th Bled eConference were attended by over 250 participants from 28 countries from all around the world. Living bits and things delivers major contribution and value through:

  • Relaxed and magic environment of Bled for social and business networking;
  • Delicious and unique local food, drinks and hospitality;
  • Dynamic, open and focused workshops and interactive sessions;
  • Connecting new business models and monetization with the value deliverd to businesses, society and enviroment;
  • Critical insights in the Central and South East Europe region challeges which can be efficientyl addressed by the IoT;

You can view the most interesting highlights and feel the atmosphere of the past events here

Stay tuned for updates and announcements.


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Last modified onThursday, 23 June 2016 15:02